User Agreement

This User Agreement has been established between the "User" who downloaded the Muscle   Master application and the owner and service provider of the Application and the linked site, Muscle Master ("Company") with its headquarters at 1738 sokak no:4/A Donanmacı Mahallesi Karşıyaka, İzmir Türkiye the terms of use and the rights and obligations of the parties.

The user is deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions in this Agreement. by downloading the Application.

Company's Rights and Obligations

The Company will provide advisory information in the fields of nutrition and sports to Users who download the Application. The information and content provided by the Company are in the nature of advice and information and cannot be held responsible for the use of the Application, the scope of the content and the use of recommendations in the field of nutrition and sports.

Company is not responsible for any interruptions or malfunctions that may occur in the Application due to acts of third parties, force majeure, reasons arising from suppliers, connection problems, internet interruptions, etc. 

The application is for private and individual use. The Company may suspend or terminate the User (s) membership if it detects that the User is using the Application against its intended use. Purchases made within the application will be sent to the user's mobile device immediately. The user may be requested to be connected to the internet via Wi-Fi in order to access the user's mobile device, App Store or Google Play Store applications. General Terms and Conditions of App Store and Google Play Store will be applied depending on the type of mobile device and the use of App Store or Google Play Store.

Suggested offers for in-app purchases are valid as soon as they are proposed, and these prices may change later.

Muscle Master requests some personal information (name, age, dietary preferences, interests, height, weight, e-mail, etc.) in order to better serve its users. This information collected on Muscle Master servers and computers can be used within Muscle Master for periodic campaign studies, custom promotion activities for customer profiles and customer classification studies for unsolicited messages.

Muscle Master does not share the information and data of the User for any advertising or commercial purposes without the User's consent, regardless of the platform they receive.

Rights and Obligations of the User

The User is obliged to fill in the information requested from him/her in a complete and truthful manner and to update it when necessary, and the User is responsible for the incomplete information.

The user confirms that he/she is over 13 years old. The user must be at least 13 years old, and those under the age of 13 cannot use the Application under any circumstances. Users over the age of 13 but under the age of 18 are deemed to have received the express consent of their parent or guardian to this agreement.

The User acknowledges and declares that the Application works with an internet connection, that the content of the Application, videos, texts and images are viewed via internet connection, that the internet usage fees will be covered over wi-fi or the User's mobile internet package and that they are informed about this issue.

Videos, exercises and nutrition and sports information in the application are only for informational purposes. The user acknowledges and declares that the content, nutrition and sports programs organized by the Application are of the nature of advice and information, and that the use of the content is entirely their own responsibility.

These applications have been prepared on the assumption that the person does not have any medical illness, and in this respect, the content is not personal. The user should consult their physician regarding health problems before using the content. It is recommended not to apply these programs if the user has a medical condition or a serious risk. If the user has any questions about their health, they should always consult a doctor or other healthcare professional. The application creates the recommendations made to the user by evaluating the research and scientific data accepted by the World Health Organization for individuals with similar profiles, thanks to a special algorithm (software) developed by it. The application does not provide diagnosis or treatment of any disease or health condition. The User accepts and declares that no program in the Application is a substitute for diet or exercise given by a doctor and at his/her own discretion and responsibility to implement exercise and nutrition programs. The company cannot be held responsible for the program you selected and implemented. The user is recommended to apply the programs carefully.

The user can always request information about the data stored about him/her and the deletion of this information from the Company. The Company can always send notifications and electronic messages to the User. The User has approved all kinds of commercial electronic messages for marketing and advertising purposes to be sent by the Company and / or Company affiliates and / or third parties with whom the Company does business, during the contract period and even after the contract expires, and within this scope, It has accepted that it can send electronic messages for information, marketing and / or advertising purposes without any other prior permission, through automatic search systems such as mail, text message or other communication means. In order to exit this system, the user can send his/her request to the Company by e-mail to  By anonymizing the User's data, the Company may also analyze, research and use this data both for the user and in some scientific and statistical studies. User information will be kept for one year after the member deletes the application so that the user who is a member of the application can later re-subscribe.

Muscle Master obtains the consent of the User of the parent if the User is not of age if the data is requested to be used for medical researches and studies.

Muscle Master analyzes and interprets the visitor movements and preferences that the User monitors during the application use. These statistical data, which do not contain personal information, may be shared with Muscle Master business partners in order to provide a more special experience for Muscle Master Users.

User information can only be disclosed to official authorities if such information is requested by the official authorities and in cases where it is obliged to make a statement to the authorities in accordance with the provisions of the mandatory legislation in force.

All information entered by the users into the system can only be changed upon the user's request.


Consumer is a natural or legal person acting for commercial or non-professional purposes, and the right of withdrawal regulated here applies only to consumers. Since the Application is downloaded directly from the Internet by the User, the User has the right to leave the Application at any time or by removing the Application from the mobile device.

User's right of withdrawal for in-app purchases is subject to the App Store or Google Play Store General Terms and Conditions. In this case, the Company reserves the right to credit for the services purchased by the User and not to refund the payments.


The application is free and additional approval will be obtained for the sales price, including all taxes, for in-app purchases. The user agrees and declares that the Company can always unilaterally change the application price and in-application prices, campaigns and packages, and that it will regularly check the update and application information for changes. User can pay in advance payment monthly or annual subscriptions. The user accepts that there will be no cancellation and no refund in the campaign subscriptions. The user agrees that the prepaid campaign memberships will continue until the end of the term.

Paid Services: Some of the company's services may be subject to payment now or in the future (“Paid Services”). For Paid Services, all payment terms notified to the User during the usage or membership stage are deemed to be part of this Agreement.

Billing: The Company uses a third-party payment processor ("Payment Processor") to bill Users through the payment account ("Billing Account") for the use of the Paid Services. The payment process will be subject to the terms, conditions and confidentiality terms of the Payment Processor in addition to the Contract. The Company is not responsible for any errors caused by the Payment Processor. By selecting Paid Services, the User agrees to pay all fees in the current pricing to the Company through the Payment Processor in accordance with the applicable payment terms each time the Paid Services are used, and allows the Company to receive payment from the User's selected payment provider ("Payment Method") through the Payment Processor. The user agrees to pay using the selected Payment Method. The Company reserves the right to correct any error or problem, even if the request has been sent or payment has been made.

Payment Method: The terms of payments will depend on the Payment Method chosen by the Users or the terms of the contract between them with credit card providers or financial institutions. If the Company fails to receive the payment from the User through the Payment Processor, the User agrees to pay the entire amount to be paid according to the Invoice Account upon the company's first request.

 Recurring Billing: As accepted by the user, some of the Paid Services may be services that include a one-time charge on first use, followed by a continuous charge. The user accepts the first-time charge and subsequent recurring charges and all recurring charges that will continue until the service is cancelled by choosing a paid service that includes a permanent charge. The Company may offer periodic payments (monthly, etc.) to the User without further approval, until the User informs in advance (with the document confirmed that it has been received by the Company) that he/she has terminated his/her consent or that he/she wants to change the payment method. This notice will not affect payments sent before the Company acted reasonably. In order to terminate this approval or change the payment method, the user will be able to go to the membership page linked to the purchase in the App Store or Play Store.

Current Information Required: Users are required to provide current, complete and accurate information for their billing account. Users must update all information without delay (such as changes in billing address, credit card number or credit card expiration date) in order to keep these accounts up-to-date, complete and accurate, and if payment methods are cancelled (e.g. lost or stolen), unapproved closure or If they have noticed the possibility of a security breach such as the use of a name - password, they should immediately notify the Company or the payment processor. Changes of this type of information can be made on the security page of the Apple Store or Play Store, linked to the purchase. If the User does not provide any of the aforementioned information, he/she agrees that the Company will continue to receive payment through the invoice account each time the Paid Service is used unless he/she terminates the Paid Service as stated above.

Change in the Approved Amount: If the amount of the payment to be withdrawn from the User's Invoice Account changes compared to the amount previously approved (unlike the change in tax amounts or obligations), the User has the right to be notified of the payment day and the amount to be withdrawn one day before the transaction will take place. The terms of the agreement between the user's payment provider will apply to the Payment Method. The user accepts that the Company can bill the transactions he/she has made immediately after the transaction or during the invoice periods or at the end of the period.

Reconfirmation of Consent: User's continuing to use Paid Services or not canceling means that the Company has approved the User's billing for these Services through the User's Payment Method. The Company can debit these invoice amounts to be paid by the User and the User is responsible for paying these amounts. This does not indicate that the Company waives its right to receive payment directly from the User. Service usage fees can be paid in cash, in installments, per use or in a pre-selected and otherwise determined way by the User when using the Paid Service.

Free Trials and Other Promotions: All free trial versions or campaigns that provide access to the Paid Service can be offered by the company to users on a continuous basis or for certain periods of time. If the User is still charged with a Paid Service while using the application with restricted access or campaign, he / she should contact the Company at address.




User accepts and declares that he/she has given the Company a worldwide valid, free, continuous and unlimited license for the use of this information and content by sending his/her information and content through the Application. User can purchase additional features designed to increase the performance of certain products and services with the services included in the application.

The court of jurisdiction where the headquarters of the Company is located is the competent court in disputes that may arise in relation to this Agreement and the Application.

Last Updated: March 25, 2021